Nelson Mandela Did Not Die in the 1980s
The term “Mandela Effect” was coined in 2009 by paranormal researcher Fiona Broome, who recounted her vivid memories of the coverage of Nelson Mandela’s death in the 1980s. From news clips to an emotional speech from Mandela’s widow, Broome was convinced that she accurately remembered the tragedy of Mandela dying in prison. In reality, Mandela was released from prison in 1990, went on to become South Africa’s first Black president, and died in 2013. Despite being completely off the mark, Broome wasn’t alone in her conviction. On her website, she went on to share the stories of over 500 other people who mysteriously and inexplicably held this same belief.

Jif vs. Jiffy Peanut Butter
As confirmed by a representative from the J.M. Smucker Company, Jiffy brand peanut butter has never existed. That doesn’t stop people from claiming that they loved eating Jiffy as a kid. These peanut butter aficionados are likely confusing this fictitious brand with the similarly-sounding Jif or Skippy. And it’s not just peanut butter — the Mandela Effect is widely prevalent among the foods we know (or think we know) and love. “Fruit Loops” are actually named “Froot Loops,” there’s no hyphen in KitKat, and it’s “Cup Noodles,” not “Cup O’ Noodles.”

Berenstain Bears or Berenstein Bears?
One visit to the Berenstain Bears’ official website and you can see that it’s clearly spelled “Berenstain.” The beloved children’s books about a family of bears were named after authors Stan and Jan Berenstain, who — like their creations — had an “a” in their last name. Yet many people who’ve read the books continue to insist (erroneously) that the name was once somehow spelled differently. In their possible defense, some early merchandise mistakenly featured both spellings, which may have led to some of the confusion. On top of that, audio tapes pronounced the name as “-steen,” which could have had a lasting influence on our collective psyche. Despite these arguments, the title is and always has been written as “The Berenstain Bears.”
More Interesting Reads

Darth Vader Never Said “Luke, I Am Your Father”
“Luke, I am your father” may be one of the most misquoted movie phrases of all time. Every Star Wars fan can remember the pivotal scene from Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, in which Darth Vader reveals that he’s Luke Skywalker’s, well, father. But the phrasing most people know is incorrect — watch it back and you’ll find that Vader actually says, “No, I am your father.” This is just one of many examples of the Mandela Effect in film. The queen in Disney’s 1937 animated film Snow White never says, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,” referring to it instead as “Magic mirror.” And at no point in Silence of the Lambs does Hannibal Lecter ever say, “Hello, Clarice.” However, after years of fans misquoting the movie, the line “Hello, Clarice” was finally written into the film’s 2001 sequel.

The Monopoly Man Never Wore a Monocle
The Monopoly Man is known for his top hat, mustache, and monocle, right? Well, that popular image is at least partly wrong. While the top hat and mustache have been part of Rich Uncle Pennybags’ appearance since he was first introduced in 1936, he’s never worn a monocle. Some psychologists believe that our collective subconscious could have been influenced by the advertising mascot Mr. Peanut (the mascot for Planters Peanuts), who’s just as well known and wears both a top hat and monocle. Gene Brewer, an associate professor in cognitive psychology at Arizona State University, explains that our brains can combine subjects with similar traits — “In studies, when you show participants word pairs and ask them to remember ‘blackmail’ and ‘jailbird,’ half of them will later say they remember learning the word ‘blackbird.’”

Fruit of the Loom’s “Vanishing” Cornucopia
Take a look at the tag on a piece of Fruit of the Loom apparel. Now take a look again, just to be sure. Even though every fiber of your being may have thought otherwise, there’s no cornucopia to be found in the logo. As far back as 1893, when the logo was introduced — long before anyone on the internet claimed differently — it’s just been a simple combination of an apple and different varieties of grapes, with leaves on the side. It’s not clear why so many people remember a cornucopia being present.

It’s Just “Smokey Bear”
For over 75 years, the U.S. Forest Service has featured an ursine mascot warning about forest fires. After all this time, you’d think we’d know his name. Commonly and mistakenly referred to as “Smokey the Bear,” this long-tenured advertising icon is actually just Smokey Bear. Some attribute this mistake to a 1952 song about Smokey, in which songwriters Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins added a “the” to his name in order to retain the song’s rhythm. While some may continue to argue over Smokey’s name, there’s much less ambiguity when it comes to who can prevent forest fires. That’s just “you.”