Original photo by Phase4Studios/ Shutterstock

Walter Arnold probably didn’t think he’d be making history when he took his “horseless carriage” (read: automobile) for a spin through the humble English village of Paddock Wood on January 28, 1896, but make history he did — by traveling at an absolutely blinding pace of 8 miles per hour on the main thoroughfare. And while you may find it difficult to believe that a bicycle-riding constable was able to catch up to him, the ensuing low-speed pursuit led to Arnold paying the first-ever speeding ticket.

Germany doesn’t have a general speed limit.

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Though some stretches of the world-famous autobahn require drivers to slow down, there are sections where you can go as fast as you like. Only about 30% of the autobahn has permanent speed restrictions, though the possibility of an official “Tempolimit” has been debated for decades.

Speeding wasn’t all he was charged with. Arnold was cited on four counts: using a “locomotive without a horse” (the nerve!) on a public road, operating said contraption with fewer than three people, failing to clearly display his name and address on that absolute manifestation of speed, and, last but not least, traveling at a higher velocity than 2 miles per hour. Arnold, one of England’s first car dealers, was driving a Benz that fateful day and paid the equivalent of more than $300 in today’s money for his quartet of criminality. However, a few months later he began marketing his own Arnold Motor Carriage, a variant on the very Benz he was driving, to the public. Whether the whole thing was a publicity stunt or a mere coincidence has never been settled.

Numbers Don't Lie

Numbers Don't Lie

National Maximum Speed Limit from 1974 to 1995, when the law was repealed
55 mph
Current land speed record, set by Andy Green in 1997
763 mph
Estimated top speed of a cheetah
75 mph
First U.S. speed limit for cars, passed by Connecticut in 1901 (15 mph in rural areas)
12 mph

The state with the highest speed limits is ______.

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The state with the highest speed limits is Texas.

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In Finland, speeding tickets are based on your income.

Not for nothing has Finland been called the “home of the $103,000 speeding ticket.” The Nordic country, as well as a few others in Europe — Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and France — eschew the flat-rate system in favor of “day fines” that work on a sliding scale, leading to a famous case in which a high-earning Nokia executive was ordered to pay the equivalent of $103,600 for driving 47 miles per hour in a 31 mile-per-hour zone. The world record for the largest speeding fine, however, belongs to a repeat offender in Switzerland, who had to pay the princely sum of $290,000 for blazing through a 50 mile-per-hour zone near the village of St. Gallen at 85 miles per hour in a red Ferrari.

Michael Nordine
Staff Writer

Michael Nordine is a writer and editor living in Denver. A native Angeleno, he has two cats and wishes he had more.